The heritage of a successful project lives on and has an impact long after the project has ended.
The heritage of a successful project should live on, be shared freely, and have an impact long after the project has ended. This is our ambition with the end of our T-CREPE Erasmus+ Project (2019-2023).
The project has created concrete and potentially transferable results, namely the free to use e-learning platform, the ‘Planet Platform’ ( that contains tools for learning the Design Thinking methodology, and 102 educational games based on the open-source, authoring tool ‘ChoiCo Games’ (‘Choices with Consequences’) developed by our key consortium partner (NKUA). These games have been co-developed with teachers and students in 15 international courses in higher education institutions around the world (e.g., Finland, Morocco, Greece, and Belgium), and are open to be viewed for 5 years after the end of this Project.
Academic research has also been carried out and published during the project, the results of which will provide the basis for further critical discussion and academic inquiry. Twelve (12) conference presentations and three (3) journal papers have been published on the topics of co-creation, design thinking, game-based learning, and mobility and facilitation of co-creation sessions, and at least one (1) journal article is in preparation.
In addition to the expected deliverables, the project has allowed an avid space for a productive networking, and several promotional and informative activities, such as training workshops, project reports and social media publications. A number of these outcomes shall continue to exist after the end of the project for at least 5 years, and they can also be used as good practices or guidelines for new projects. Envisioned outcomes include further transferability of the deliverables and new co-creation actions between academia and industry, and emerging fields.
The platform is originally designed to support instructors/educators from the (textile) design engineering domain and beyond in the implementation of online learning activities utilising the idea of gameplay.
If you are interested in having your students explore creative tools that can potentially save coaching time, improve coaching effectiveness and efficiency, and enable a commercial exploitation (by making students’ projects visible and shareable widely and available to the corporate sector), then we would like to hear from you.
By participating in the T-Crepe project, you will have the opportunity to:
In practical terms, you will be able to:
Your students will get involved in: